mandag 12. oktober 2015

Kenneth Steven :Argyll, October

Den skotske poeten Kenneth Steven vender eg stadig tilbake til, Han skildrar Skotland, naturen og menneska som bur der i vakre bilete og med ein djup varme. Over det heile er det ein høg himmel som vitnar om at det  bak alt dette vi ser rundt oss, dette vi opplever, er ei større meining. Det guddommelege kjem ofte klårt fram i dikta hans, grunnfesta i ein keltisk spiritualitet og tradisjon.
Ein oktoberdag står han  ved sjøen i Argyll, der forfedrene fann Gud på desse forblåste kystane og der naturen  framfører ein salme vi kan slutta oss til.

Argyll,October (from Evensong 2011)

"out at the sea`s edge
the whole wind riding the day
the bracken crippled and whipped
the sometimes of light blown away

here in the huddles of stone
a whole millennium before us
men from Ireland made chapels
found God in these blown wide skies

further in, where boats nodded and rocked
in little creeks of sun under overhangs of oak
we listened to the psalms of blackbirds"

Service (from Iona 2000)

"Two nuns exchange welcomes;
Their soft words like the water
That flows through the cress at the well`s mouth.

Candles melt in the darkness
Cover the Christ with light like sweat -
His wounds cry with new blood.

People`s mouths pray
Their words gentle as grass, their eyes
Clenched with faith.

This is the Easter of life;
Waiting in the dark before dawn -
Trusting the sun."

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