tirsdag 10. mai 2011

Native Joy for Real

This is my heart

This is my heart.It is a good heart.
Weaves a membrane of mist and fire.
When we make love in the flower world
my heart is close enough to sing to yours
in a language too clumsy, for human words.

This is my head.It is a good head.
But it whirrs inside with a swarm of worries.
What is the source of this mystery.
Why can`t I see it right here, right now as
real as the hands hammering
the world together ?

This is my soul.It is a good soul.
It tells me, "come here forgetful one."
And we sit together
We cook a little something to eat,
then a sip of something sweet, for memory

This is my song.It is a good song.
It walked forever,the border of fire and water
climbed ribs of desire to sing to you.
Its new wings quiver with vulnerability.
Come lie next to me.Put your head here.
My heart is close enough to sing.

Joy Harjos dikt "This is my heart" stod først i samlinga "A map to the Next World" men er sett melodi til på CD "Native Joy for Real" frå 2004.
Joy Harjo er indianer med opphav i Muscogee stamma. Ho vart fødd i Tulsa i Oklahoma i 1951. Joy Harjo har markert seg både som poet og musikar. Ho har gjeve ut ei rekkje diktsamlingar og har sitt eige band,"Poetic Justice" der ho bidreg både som songar og saksofonist.
Joy Harjo ser seg som representant for det amerikanske urfolket  og både  tekstane hennar og musikk ho komponerar er djup rotfesta i den opprinnelege indianske kulturen.
Det er ei spennande og utvidande erfaring å verta kjent med dette som går bak det overfladiske i amerikansk kultur.

Til slutt ein kort tekst frå "How we became human" som eg set stor pris på:

Anything that matters

Anything that matters is here. Anything that will continue to matter in the next several thousand years will continue to be here. Approaching in the distance is the child you were some years ago. See her laughing as she chases a white butterfly.

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