søndag 12. november 2023

For a girl becoming

 « For a girl becoming» er ei vakker lita illustrert bok av den amerikanske poeten og musikaren Joy Harjo. Ho er « native anerican»og høyrer til Mvskoke Nation. Mykje av det ho skaper er inspirert av hennar etniske bakgrunn. «For a girl becoming» er dedikert til forfattarens barnebarn og forma som vegleiing for ei ung jente på veg inn i livet! Eg kjøpte boka til dattera mi for mange år sidan.

You will fall and you will get back up again, because you are one of us.

And as you travel with us, remember all this: Give a drink of water to all who ask, Whether they be plant, creature, human or helpful spirit. May you always have clean, fresh water.

Grieve with the grieving, share joy with the joyful. Mat you build a strong path with beautiful and truthful language.

Clean your room. May you always have a home: a refuge from storm, a gathering-place for safety, for comfort.

Burt what needs to be buried.Laugh easily at yourself; may you always travel lightly and well.

Your mother labored there, so young in earthly years. And we who love you gather here. Pollen blows throughout this desert house to bless. And horses run the land, hundreds of them, for you. And you are here to bless.

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